From wikipedia: “Normal human skin temperature on the trunk of the body varies between 33.5 and 36.9 C (92.3 and 98.4F), though the skin’s temperature is lower over protruding parts, like the nose, and higher over muscles and active organs.”
One of the key components of a good, relaxing float is the right water temperature. If it’s too warm, your body will want to sweat to try to cool it off through evaporation. That’s not very effective when you’re floating in warm water surrounded by warm, humid air. If it’s too cool, your body will want to shiver to produce heat and warm it up. Neither are very conducive to relaxation over an hour or more. This was something I had taken note of in my research and testing in preparing to open this place. It’s also one of the many customizations I do for you to help ensure an optimal environment, just for you.
Just like some people are afraid of the dark, and so I provide an option for light, and some people need music to help distract them from their thoughts, and so I provide default music or allow you to plug in your phone and listen to your own playlist, some people run cooler or hotter than the temperature I maintain in the float rooms. If you find that to be the case, let me know and I’ll make a note in your file, so that the next time you visit, the water won’t be too hot or too cool, it will be just right — allowing you to slip into a calm and comfortable state of relaxation and giving your body the optimum environment to rejuvenate.