Floating as a Preventative Health Care Intervention

Reduced Environmental Stimulation Therapy for your Mind • Body • Spirit • Focus

More research showing the benefits of REST, this time as a preventative treatment for stress-related illness, from BMC Complimentary and Alternative Medicine. Read the full paper here.


Sensory isolation in a flotation tank is a method known for inducing deep relaxation and subsequent positive health effects for patients suffering from e.g. stress or muscle tensions pains. Very few studies have investigated this method as a preventive health-care intervention. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects in healthy participants after receiving a series of flotation tank treatment.


Stress, depression, anxiety, and worst pain were significantly decreased whereas optimism and sleep quality significantly increased for the flotation-REST group. No significant results for the control group were seen. There was also a significant correlation between mindfulness in daily life and degree of altered states of consciousness during the relaxation in the flotation tank.