Those who know me know that this is the primary reason why I started floating. It’s interesting to see that the people who need it the most, get the most from it.
“The current achievement-based, demanding, high tempo society has incurred increased risks and vulnerability for stress-related chronic pain and other illnesses. Increased muscle tension facilitates the development of chronic pain, and has been observed to induce negative effects on concentration, self-confidence, learning and memory. The brain and central nervous system undergo constant bombardment with information. Relaxation exercises offer a means of reducing the physiological and psychological reactions to stress; however, the individuals most in need of relaxation techniques are often those who find it most difficult to perform these exercises.”
“Several studies have demonstrated positive effects, such as increased well-being; mild euphoria; increased originality; improved sleep; reduced stress, tension and anxiety; reduced blood pressure; and less muscle tension. The technique has also been shown to be a suitable complement to psychotherapy. The experience is pleasant, and subjects always endorse it on further occasions.”