Sierra Float Spa is here to help you improve your overall health and wellness. As our global understanding of this novel virus improves we are dramatically learning how important a strong immune system is and how proper diet and general health can protect us from experiencing severe symptoms. This article underscores the lesson that “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”
It is well researched that floating helps us build and maintain a strong immune system while also reducing inflammation by decreasing the level of cortisol in our blood. Floating will support our wellbeing…but continuing to consume foods that cause inflammation (increase cortisol levels) in our bodies overtime will work against the benefits we find in our floats.
While floating may continually restore us to a baseline Sierra Float Spa does not want you to work on your wellness from a deficit and so reminds you to take care of your body however you can, and start by eating as clean as possible. “There is now a body of evidence linking our unhealthy lifestyle with viral, especially respiratory diseases. High blood sugar reduces and impairs immune function. Excessive body fat is known to disrupt immune regulation and lead to chronic inflammation. Insulin resistance and pre-diabetes can delay and weaken the immune response to respiratory viruses.”
This article is from theconversation.com. Read the full article here.