Category: Spirit

Reduced Environmental Stimulation Therapy for your Mind • Body • Spirit • Focus

I spent two hours floating naked in a dark chamber for my mental health. Did it work?

Here’s another article from USA Today about the mental health benefits of float therapy. If this is you, we can help. Some good quotes from the article: “I hate the word ‘sensory deprivation’ because I think it’s a misnomer,’”he says, explaining it doesn’t deprive you of senses but rather reorients them from external to internal…
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Sensory deprivation tank benefits: How it works

Here’s another intro article giving you the rundown on float therapy, REST, sensory deprivation. A sensory deprivation tank cuts a person off from as many sensory inputs as possible. Supporters claim that the experience can make a person feel rejuvenated, potentially easing anxiety, relaxing muscles, and reducing pain. Current research indicates that people in good…
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Doctor Mike on float therapy

I appreciate an objective and complete overview of what floating is, its benefits and the evidence, or lack thereof, to support them. You float in super saturated epsom salt water that is the same temperature as you. Your body doesn’t have to expend any energy to warm up or cool down or stay afloat. Watch…
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Relieve stress and strengthen your immune system by floating

Here are a few quotes from a story a Florida news station did on relieving stress during the pandemic, featuring their local float center: St. Pete Salt Works Float Center. “According to the Laureate Institute For Brain Research, scientists found floatation therapy helps relieve stress, anxiety, depression, sleep issues, pain and even PTSD.” “Scientists say floatation…
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Float Tank Explained

This youtube video is another good intro to floating, produced by float culture. Watch the full video here.

3 Ways to Bring Your Body Vibrational Balance Using Sound Healing Therapy

Given that everything has a vibrational frequency, including ourselves, it makes sense that sound frequencies impact how we feel. That’s why particular songs and types of music often bring about specific types of emotions from us. Sound healing, which is an ancient healing technique that uses tonal frequencies to bring the body into a state…
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Sensory deprivation tanks helping people with PTSD find comfort in darkness, silence, enveloping warmth

Another article introducing floating for helping to treat the effects of PTSD. It makes a very good and important point: “We know that the talking therapies alone are not necessarily sufficient, and we need to look at options to provide people that are really holistic.” Read the full article here.

Floating Toward Happiness

If you’ve floated, this is almost a no brainer. Floating makes you happy. The more I float, the happier I am. “Floating isn’t just about what it does to your body, it’s what it does to your brain. I walked out of there completely different than when I went in.” This one comes from

A Compliment to Floating: Meditation

This article from is entitled, “Is Floating the New Meditation? Float Therapy is on the rise. Find out why this womb-like experience just might elevate the way you meditate.” Aside from the usual description of this unusual experience, it also touches on the theta state: that place between waking and dreaming, where you go…
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A Compliment to Floating: Benefits of Shavasana, the yoga meditation for relaxation

The meaning of the word “Yoga” is “union”. It is derived from the Sanskrit root “yuj,” (pron. “yug”) meaning “to join”, “to unite” but also “to subjugate”, with the meaning also “to control” and “to disciplinate”. The English word “yoke” is also derived from the same Sanskrit (Indo-European) root. Yoga means union of the individual…
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