Category: General

Reduced Environmental Stimulation Therapy for your Mind • Body • Spirit • Focus

Why It’s Important to Rinse Your Ears Thoroughly After Floating

Unless you have a history of ear infections, tubes in your ears, or just sensitive ears like me, I recommend floating without earplugs. Even though my ears are sensitive, I still like to float without earplugs, I just have to take a break every once in a while and use them. Floating without earplugs lets…
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Floating Toward Happiness

If you’ve floated, this is almost a no brainer. Floating makes you happy. The more I float, the happier I am. “Floating isn’t just about what it does to your body, it’s what it does to your brain. I walked out of there completely different than when I went in.” This one comes from

A Compliment to Floating: Can What You Eat Affect Your Happiness?

Floating makes you feel good. It’s been proven to elevate your mood by increasing endorphins, dopamine and serotonin — the feel good hormones — and decreasing cortisol — the stress hormone. Floating isn’t the only thing you can do to improve your mood. Chances are you can eat better, too. The more things you do…
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I Tried Flotation Therapy and My Brain Nearly Exploded

Again, a little clickbait-y headline, but this video might be a little easier to consume than the Vice article, with a similar focus on people who have trouble quieting their mind while floating. From Thrive Global:

Float Hopes

Well isn’t that a witty headline? As usual, this is unoriginal content I’ve collected because I find it useful and thought you might, too. (“Unoriginal content” meaning content I haven’t authored, not content that itself is unoriginal. Although, I have read this type of article before.) This one comes from Time Magazine.

Effects of flotation-REST on muscle tension pain

Those who know me know that this is the primary reason why I started floating. It’s interesting to see that the people who need it the most, get the most from it. “The current achievement-based, demanding, high tempo society has incurred increased risks and vulnerability for stress-related chronic pain and other illnesses. Increased muscle tension…
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Curing the sick and creating supermen – How relaxation in flotation tanks is advertised on the Internet

The title is misleading. While this is one of the most informative, comprehensive and objective documents I’ve read about the benefits of REST compared to the claims, what you could easily miss from the title is all the supporting documentation they’ve included to either refute or back the claims the industry makes about how this…
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Six Crazy-Popular Holistic Medicine Activities

In the referenced article, sheds some light on six holistic wellness practices that have gone mainstream. Read the full article on And a shout out to the Zen Float Tent for those interested in floating at home.

Brief Adventures in Sensory Deprivation

“Really, I think of flotation like ‘screen therapy’. It seems to reverse some of the anxiety or stress that we inflict on ourselves by constantly using backlit screens — monitors, television sets, and smartphones. You might think you would fall asleep if placed in the dark and deprived of sensory input, but I tend to…
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You gotta read what reddit says about floating

I have had some amazing, transcendent, even ecstatic experiences while floating. I’ve had some of the very experiences described in the FloatTank reddit group. I’ve also had some of these questions. If you’re curious, check it out. I am reluctant to share my own personal experiences for fear of setting too high an expectation and…
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