Author: admin

Reduced Environmental Stimulation Therapy for your Mind • Body • Spirit • Focus

BBC news reporting on floatation therapy helping anxiety and the Police

This video comes from the BBC, reporting on how floatation therapy helped to treat anxiety and PTSD with a control group of 10 officers of the Hampton Police Federation. It’s been so effective that they’ve begun offering it to a larger group.

Why is Floating so Relaxing?

This is a fantastic educational video on why float therapy is so relaxing. I must give credit to Sukhino Float Center and Salt Cave in New Albany, IN for producing this.

Floating: The New Frontier in Physical and Emotional Health

“More than 30 years after the movie “Altered States” introduced Americans to the concept of sensory reduction, hundreds of “float centers” have begun opening up across the country. But while William Hurt’s character slipped into an isolation tank to facilitate scientifically farfetched shape-shifting, real people are now flocking to float centers for pragmatic reasons: to…
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Nausea and Floating – Why does it happen sometimes?

Another one from The Float Zone, this one on nausea and floating. These guys know their stuff. I have a lot to learn.

Floatation Shows Promise for Brain Injury Awareness

“Floatation therapy shows promise for brain injury. Brain research is a rapidly developing field, but there remains much that we do not understand about how the brain operates. Traumatic brain injury and concussion are significant disabilities involving a large age range. Identification and treatment for traumatic brain injury (“TBI”) and concussion is currently in a…
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Float Therapy: A New Trend in Integrative Medicine

There is real medical benefit to floatation therapy, or REST. This one from Oncology Nursing News. Read the full article here.

The Many Benefits of Floatation Therapy

“If you’ve ever drawn a bath at the end of a long day to ease sore muscles, found physical and mental relaxation when swimming laps, or sought relief in the calm waters of a lake or the rhythmic waves of the ocean, you know the power that water can have in relieving physical and psychological…
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Tactical Floatation: Helping US Air Force Operators

This one checks all the boxes: mind, body, spirit and focus. This is a great video from this past year’s float conference where Dr. Jerry Walker talks about his research into REST and how it helps our armed forces service members. Watch the video on youtube

The Benefits Of Floating For Sleep And Mental Health

“Given what we know about the physiological effects of floatation, including its ability to lower cortisol and boost low-frequency brain activity, it’s not surprising to me to see this evidence of a direct benefit for sleep. High cortisol levels and an active, task-focused brain (dominated by high-frequency beta waves) make falling asleep and staying asleep…
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Floating as a Remedy for Jet Lag

I’ll help you skip the usual description of floating that always accompanies articles like these, and give you the relevant paragraph, below. Floating after a long flight can help speed your adjustment to a big time change. It’s been said that an hour of floating is worth 4 hours of sleep. IDK about that, but…
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