Author: admin

Reduced Environmental Stimulation Therapy for your Mind • Body • Spirit • Focus

Why It’s Important to Rinse Your Ears Thoroughly After Floating

Unless you have a history of ear infections, tubes in your ears, or just sensitive ears like me, I recommend floating without earplugs. Even though my ears are sensitive, I still like to float without earplugs, I just have to take a break every once in a while and use them. Floating without earplugs lets…
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Floating Toward Happiness

If you’ve floated, this is almost a no brainer. Floating makes you happy. The more I float, the happier I am. “Floating isn’t just about what it does to your body, it’s what it does to your brain. I walked out of there completely different than when I went in.” This one comes from

Isolation and darkness in an enclosed space isn’t a nightmare. It’s flotation therapy, and Chicago Fire forward C.J. Sapong uses it to recover.

This article on floating for athletic performance and post workout recovery comes from the Chicago Tribune. Read the full article here. Photo credit: ©Image Source/Getty Images

A Compliment to Floating: Meditation

This article from is entitled, “Is Floating the New Meditation? Float Therapy is on the rise. Find out why this womb-like experience just might elevate the way you meditate.” Aside from the usual description of this unusual experience, it also touches on the theta state: that place between waking and dreaming, where you go…
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A Compliment to Floating: Chiropractic Care

Or maybe vice versa: floating being a good compliment to chiropractic care. Given the concentration of epsom salt and the “anti-gravity” effects of floating, it’s easy to see how they compliment each other. Here’s a blog post from Northwest Float Center that gives you some detail.

A Compliment to Floating: Benefits of Shavasana, the yoga meditation for relaxation

The meaning of the word “Yoga” is “union”. It is derived from the Sanskrit root “yuj,” (pron. “yug”) meaning “to join”, “to unite” but also “to subjugate”, with the meaning also “to control” and “to disciplinate”. The English word “yoke” is also derived from the same Sanskrit (Indo-European) root. Yoga means union of the individual…
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A Compliment to Floating: Can What You Eat Affect Your Happiness?

Floating makes you feel good. It’s been proven to elevate your mood by increasing endorphins, dopamine and serotonin — the feel good hormones — and decreasing cortisol — the stress hormone. Floating isn’t the only thing you can do to improve your mood. Chances are you can eat better, too. The more things you do…
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Beneficial effects of treatment with sensory isolation in flotation-tank as a preventive health-care intervention – a randomized controlled pilot trial

Wow, that’s a long title. That happens sometimes with scientific papers. This from the National Center for Biotechnology Information’s website. I’ll include a quote from the results: “Stress, depression, anxiety, and worst pain were significantly decreased whereas optimism and sleep quality significantly increased for the flotation-REST group. No significant results for the control group were…
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I Tried Flotation Therapy and My Brain Nearly Exploded

Again, a little clickbait-y headline, but this video might be a little easier to consume than the Vice article, with a similar focus on people who have trouble quieting their mind while floating. From Thrive Global:

I Tried a Sensory Deprivation Tank to Cure Me from the News Cycle

When I saw this headline, I had to share. Then I read the article, and while it presented floating in a good light, the bottom line was that it didn’t cure her phone addiction. Clickbait. But I’ve had a few people float with me who fit this profile, so I thought it might be helpful…
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