Author: admin

Reduced Environmental Stimulation Therapy for your Mind • Body • Spirit • Focus

I spent two hours floating naked in a dark chamber for my mental health. Did it work?

Here’s another article from USA Today about the mental health benefits of float therapy. If this is you, we can help. Some good quotes from the article: “I hate the word ‘sensory deprivation’ because I think it’s a misnomer,’”he says, explaining it doesn’t deprive you of senses but rather reorients them from external to internal…
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Sleep Apnea? Try playing the didgeridoo!

Snoring and obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome are two highly prevalent sleep disorders caused by collapse of the upper airways.1,2,3 The most effective intervention for these disorders is continuous positive airway pressure therapy, which reduces daytime sleepiness4 and the risk of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in the most severely affected patients (apnoea-hypopnoea index (measured as episodes…
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Reduce Tension With Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Read about progressive muscle relaxation, from Here’s the intro, below. Read the full article to learn more. Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) is an effective technique for reducing overall body tension as well as psychological stress. This simple technique involves the tensing and relaxing of all of the major muscles in your body in order…
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Float Therapy Improves Your Sleep

This is a straight lift from True REST. Why take all the time and effort to write a post detailing how floating can improve the quality of your sleep if you can simply just link to one that already exists? This is a great rundown of how floating improves the quality of your sleep, from…
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I Tried a Sensory Deprivation Tank, and It Relieved My Anxiety

Here’s a recent article from Business Insider’s Science section about how floating can help relieve symptoms of anxiety. It’s really nice to unplug. You should try it sometime. But don’t take my word for it, read the full article here. Here are some of the highlights. Sensory deprivation tanks, or float tanks, are shallow pools…
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What is the best time of day to float?

This is a great article from Float North County. Where are my morning float peeps? You guys are missing out! That depends on what you want from your float. We have many clients who like to start their day or their week with a morning float. Others find the afternoon a great time to float…
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Browns constructing new regeneration area to improve player training and recovery

When Browns players return to CrossCountry Mortgage Campus for the start of 2022 training camp, they’ll walk into a newly-built regeneration space fit with several recovery machines and additional training technology that will enhance all high-performance activities when the season begins. The space, which will replace the team weight room next to the fieldhouse, will…
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Could You Benefit From Sensory Deprivation Tank Therapy?

from Read the full article here. Float therapy can help relieve stress, anxiety and even decrease feelings of physical pain. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, the solution might be REST — and we’re not talking about a nap. REST is shorthand for “restricted environmental stimulation therapy.” The meditation technique is connected to the use of water-filled sensory…
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Cortisol: The Good News, Bad News, and the Downright Ugly Truth Behind this Stress Hormone

This is a great article all about Cortisol from the University of Utah. Cortisol is best known for producing the ‘fight or flight’ response. This reaction evolved as a means of survival, enabling people to react to what could be a life-threatening situation. But cortisol also helps control blood pressure, increase the body’s metabolism of…
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How Float Therapy Can Benefit Your Mind and Body

This is a great new article that gives you an intro to floating. It’s better than usual because it’s a little more objective than most. Have a read and then book a float! Tia Mowry recently took her millions of Instagram followers along for the ride as she tried float therapy for the first time. In a…
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