This article from yogajournal.com is entitled, “Is Floating the New Meditation? Float Therapy is on the rise. Find out why this womb-like experience just might elevate the way you meditate.”
Aside from the usual description of this unusual experience, it also touches on the theta state: that place between waking and dreaming, where you go when you meditate. If you’ve never meditated before, it can be difficult for some people at first, because of all the distractions. It’s true, part of your meditation practice is to recognize and accept the thoughts that come from those distractions, and from elsewhere. Floating takes away those external distractions, and for that reason, it’s been described by some as training wheels for meditation. If you want to learn how to meditate but you’re having trouble, maybe try a float. Or try guided meditation apps, or meditate in a group. The Positive Living Center hosts a free group meditation on Thursday nights at 6:30pm.
Read the full article here.
Image credit soulrx.com