The Elicitation of Relaxation and Interoceptive Awareness Using Floatation Therapy in Individuals With High Anxiety Sensitivity

Reduced Environmental Stimulation Therapy for your Mind • Body • Spirit • Focus

Science! The clinical research is ever growing, providing scientific proof of the benefits of floating. Here’s an abstract from a paper about the effects of floating with people who are highly sensitive to anxiety.

Floatation-REST (Reduced Environmental Stimulation Therapy), an intervention that attenuates exteroceptive sensory input to the nervous system, has recently been found to reduce state anxiety across a diverse clinical sample with high levels of anxiety sensitivity (AS). To further examine this anxiolytic effect, the present study investigated the affective and physiological changes induced by Floatation-REST and assessed whether individuals with high AS experienced any alterations in their awareness for interoceptive sensation while immersed in an environment lacking exteroceptive sensation.

Read the full paper here:
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